NCCCO: International crane experts meet

08 August 2018


The annual meeting of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) committee that oversees development and ongoing revision of the international crane standard took place in June in Helsinki, Finland. NCCCO participated in the meeting in its role as the Secretariat for one of the nine subcommittees that report to the main TC 96 Technical Committee, as an official representative of ANSI, and as a member of the U.S. delegation.

NCCCO has held its secretariat role since 2012. Hosted by the national standards setting body METSTA, the Mechanical Engineering and Metals Industry Standardization, and the Finnish Standards Association (SFS), the meeting attracted delegates from all over world to review progress on standards covering all types of mobile, tower and overhead cranes, as well as wire rope, design principles and test methods.   


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